National Winegrape Policy Conference


The 2022 National Winegrape Policy Conference will take place in Washington, D.C. March 27 - 29, 2022 at Cornerstone Government Affairs.

Issues (to date):

  • Disaster assistance and crop insurance

  • Research funding for wildfire smoke

  • Farm Bill:

    • Research 1) mechanization, automation, remote sensing technologies, and 2) drought and heat tolerance

    • Crop insurance improvements

    • Plant pest and disease issues (SLF, NCPN, PD//GWSS, etc.)

    • Specialty Crop Block Grants 

Current Schedule (subject to change)

Sunday, March 27: Arrive

 Monday, March 28: 

  • 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM Cornerstone Government Affairs briefings (lunch at office)

  • Visit Executive Branch staff (USDA Agricultural Research Service and Risk Management Agency)

  • Meet with Wine Institute (CAWG group), Western Growers and/or International Fresh Produce Association/Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance

Tuesday, March 29: 

  • Meet with House and Senate Ag Appropriations staff (it’s possible they would meet with us at CGA offices)

  • Meetings with state delegation (CA, WA, other states)

Wednesday, March 30:

  • Meetings with state delegation

Depart for home early afternoon or spend the night (and depart Thursday morning) or sight-see!

WGA Logo with US Capitol.png

If you are interested in joining us, please contact Vicky Scharlau and Jenny Devine.

Hotel Room Block Details

WGA has negotiated a discounted room rate at the Yotel Washington, D.C. for $258 per night (plus tax). The room rate will include complimentary WiFi and the hotel facilities fee will be waived. The room rate will be available three days prior and post event dates. To book a room at the discounted room rate, please contact the hotel directly at 833-319-1883 or by referencing the booking code 2203CALIFO by clicking here.

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Farm Credit

Sponsorship Opportunities


Platinum: $1,500

Logo and recognition on "Save the Date" postcard, logo hyper-linked on website and e-newsletter marketing, 1/2 page ad in program (8.5"w x 5.5"h), logo on event signage, two comp registrations and recognition at the event.


Gold: $750

Logo hyper-linked on website and e-newsletter marketing, 1/4 page ad in program (4.25"w x 5.5"h), logo on event signage and one comp registration.


Silver: $500

Business card size advertisement (2"w x 3.25"h) on website and e-newsletter marketing, logo on event signage.